Friday, December 18, 2015

What I think About The Force Awakens and What I think is Going to Happen Next (WARNING SPOILERS)

The New Star Wars
If you’re as a big a fan of Star Wars as I am, you know how important The Force Awakens is.  The original trilogy was one of the first movies I remember watching and its been ten years since a live action Star Wars adventure was in the movie theaters.  And I’m sure like me, you were unbelievably nervous to watch this next installment.  But Abrams and the people at Disney did not disappoint.  The Force Awakens was insanely awesomely epic and if my predictions are right, this new trilogy is only going to get better.  Why do I think that? Because the original trilogy was perfect and it seems like this new trilogy is exactly mirroring the original.  Check this out…


A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
There is a war going on between a Nazi-esque superpower (The Galactic Empire-The First Order), headed by a Sith Lord (Darth Vader-Kylo Ren) who answers only to a shadowy and distant master (Emperor Palpatine-Supreme Leader Snoke), and the people who are fighting this superpower (The Rebel Alliance-The Resistance).  In the middle of all this, a young rebel (Leia-Poe Dameron) gives a robot (R2-D2-BB-8) sensitive information regarding a Jedi master (Obi-Wan Kenobi-Luke Skywalker) just before being captured by the bad guys.  This robot is then stranded on a desert planet (Tatooine-Jakku) where it is found by a young orphan who dreams of better things (Luke-Rey).  Not long after this robot comes into their possession, their home is destroyed by the bad guys are they are forced to flee in the Millennium Falcon with some help from some friends including Han Solo and Chewbacca.  They stop at a seedy bar (Mos Eisley Cantina-Maz’s) for help but that too is soon attacked by the bad guys.  Along the way Luke/Rey, with the help of a wise old mentor who has seen too much (Ben Kenobi-Han Solo), begin to discover they have a great power called the Force and they are given the blue lightsaber.  When one of their own (Leia-Rey) is captured and taken to a giant base with the power to destroy planets (The Death Star-Starkiller Base), the main good guys take the Falcon on a nearly impossible mission to save them, which results in the death of the wise old mentor at the hands of the Sith Lord who at one time was the wise old mentor’s inferior.  Not long after these events, the giant base is destroyed via explosion with some help from the trusty X-Wing Fighters.  It is revealed that two people on opposite sides of the war are actually father and son (Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker-Han Solo and Kylo Ren[whose birth name is Ben]) and this relationship puts both pairs of people at odds with their ideologies.  Later in the story, Luke/Rey leave their comatose friend (Han in carbonite-Finn recovering from the battle) to travel to a mysterious planet (Dagobah-Unnamed Island Planet) to learn the ways of the Force from the last Jedi (Yoda-Luke Skywalker).      
So, what happens next? Well by looking at the old trilogy I have come up with five ideas that might be pretty close to what actually happens in the upcoming trilogy.
1.     Kylo Ren turns good.  This one is pretty obvious but I thought I’d throw it in.  I believe that Kylo a.k.a. Ben Solo, will eventually let the light side in and single handedly destroy his evil master, Snoke, before ultimately meeting his own doom.  This will likely happen late in the third act of the story arc so I wouldn’t expect to see this until the third movie.  You might also expect to see an epic final battle taking place over space and planets.
2.     Our heroes get betrayed.  Remember Lando Calrission?  I believe that late in the second film, our main protagonists will face a betrayal by a trusted friend which will set up the end of the second film, in which our heroes go their separate ways on separate missions.  Now we can theorize until the next film comes out about who will be the betrayer (Did someone say Finn Calrission?) but it is also possible that much like Lando, who we didn’t meet until The Empire Strikes Back, that we just haven’t met that character yet.
3.     A minor character coming back with a larger role. Remember at the beginning of A New Hope when Han was paid a visit by Jabba the Hutt?  Who knew he would play a major role in the first act of Return of the Jedi?  Because of that, I’m going to theorize that a minor character from TFA will return late in the new trilogy to play some kind of key role to advancing the story.  However, I have no idea who that might be.  My best guesses would be Maz, Unkar Plutt (the collector from Jakku), or Malateek (the space pirate that attacks Han Solo’s ship) cause he seems to be the Jabba the Hutt character.         
4.     Luke Skywalker must die. I know, we’re still recovering from the loss of our favorite scoundrel and it seems almost impossible to think about losing another one of the original three, but if we are following the parallels, Luke is Yoda and in Return of the Jedi, Yoda does die, albeit of natural causes.  It is possible that the next film will feature Luke imparting his knowledge to Rey before lying down to forever sleep.
5.     Another set of twins.  If we continue to follow the parallel, another big reveal will happen, this one involving a brother and a sister.  Who are they? Rey and Kylo.  It only makes sense that twins would run in the family and we have already compared both characters to Luke Skywalker and Rey to Leia.  When I told this theory to my friends, they argued that Rey could be Luke’s daughter and they could be cousins.  I disagree though because that relationship would not be as powerful and while my friends pointed out the fact that Leia did not seem to acknowledge her so called daughter in TFA, I argue that in the original trilogy many of the older mentor characters knew full well of the relationship of Luke and Leia but kept it from the young characters.  Plus in the Maz bar scene, after Rey and Finn storm off, Maz turns to Han and asks, “Who’s the girl?” as if she knows that Han knows exactly who she is.  They both have dark hair, they both have a strong connection with the force and Han Solo was a father figure to both of them.  Call me crazy but I just have a feeling that this theory is not far from the truth.           

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