Monday, December 15, 2014

Five Christmas Movies You Should Watch This Year

Five Movies You Should Watch This Christmas
Before I go any further, I want to say that I am not some Grinch who is out to ruin Christmas.  I love the holiday season, the time spent with family and the general merriment you get when everyone has a few weeks off.  However there is one part of the holidays that gets worse and worse every year: holiday movies.  Unlike songs, which can be revamped every year by the newest and hottest artists, I’ve been watching the same Christmas movies since I was a kid and frankly I’m bored.  White Christmas is hokey even for a musical, It’s A Wonderful Life is more stale than crackers, and Elf has been so beaten to the ground by the constant references and quotes a now very funny film just fills me with dread.  The selection of Christmas movies is larger than you realize and here are five Christmas movies you should watch this year. 
5. The Muppets Christmas Carol (1992)- The classic Dickens novel is remade surprisingly well by the studio of Jim Henson, with the talented Micheal Caine in the lead roll.  Despite half the cast being animal puppets, the film is entertaining for kids and adults alike thanks to a good balance of humor and seriousness, and an original soundtrack that would rival any Broadway show.  Even today, Kermit singing about Christmas gets me right in the feels.
4. Love Actually (2003)- This brit rom-com is about intertwining romances in London is both funny and heartwarming, has an all star cast including Keira Knightly, Hugh Grant, and Liam Neeson, and captures the part of Christmas that most movies skip over: being with the ones you love no matter how much they annoy you.  Definitely worth a watch or rewatch, and by the way, its on Netflix, you’re welcome.
3. Fred Claus (2007)- Vince Vaughn plays the jealous brother to Paul Gimatti’s Santa Claus and when he comes to work at the North Pole, all hell breaks loose.  The dynamic of these two is pretty hysterical but what sells the film is the supporting cast: Kathy Bates, Kevin Spacey, and Rachel Wiesz to name a few and some truly great scenes including Fred teaching the elves to dance, the Claus family dinner and a self conscious elf played by John Micheal Higgins.
2. Rare Exports (2010)- I’m not going to lie, this film isn’t for everyone.  But if you like the weird and exotic, you need to see this.  This movie is about Danish villagers who capture the real Santa Claus, and he is not holly nor jolly.  If you don’t have time for a feature length, don’t worry the film is based on a series of short films that are just as good and can be found on YouTube, if you’re feeling adventurous give them a try.
1. Joyeux Noel (2005)- This is hands down the greatest Christmas film that’s ever been made.  A story about World War I soldiers on both sides of the trenches who lay down their arms on Christmas teaches a surprising story about the value of human life.  Its uplifting and inspiring and even has a few moments of comedy. It’s interesting because in the film rather than sticking to one language, the German, French, and Scottish soldiers all speak their native language adding a level of reality that is hard to find in modern cinema.  But don’t be put off by the heavy topic, you’ll finish this film with a sense of joy that can be only brought about by peace on earth.  And even more incredible, its based on a true story.   

So this Christmas, if you’re looking for something different, try out these five movies and I promise you won’t be disappointed.         

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